The Solaris Women’s Executive Leadership Programme is an integral and whole-person centred programme. It is designed to impact all areas of an individual leader’s life and has a special focus on her Leadership, Her Life and Her Career, enabling her growth and development in all three.
Each track of learning speaks and impacts the other, creating a full and comprehensive learning journey.
Our Leadership teaching is based on the fundamental capability of Love-Based Leadership and focuses on who they are as leaders and less on what they do or have. It does not however stop there as the aim of our leadership track is to equip the leaders with the ability to think flexibly and appreciate that the capabilities that led to their current successful status may not be sufficient to enable progress beyond it.
Are you one of our delegates?
• A minimum of 10 years of work experience
Managers and executives in middle management or senior management,
wanting to advance to the c-suite and beyond.
• Managers on the cusp of the c-suite.
• A high potential manager or executive earmarked with an ambition to
make a significant difference beyond the commercial.
• Founders, business owners and entrepreneurs with a desire to develop
their life and leadership capabilities.
• Examples: MD/Director/Head of/Strategic Lead/General Mgr/VP etc.
Different Stages of Life and Career
• A willingness to learn from and contribute to others’ successes.
• People growing their executive leadership
• Transitioning from one level to another and at inflection points.
• Aspiring leaders with potential and a personal desire to learn and be stretched.
• Ready and ambitious for more with an unwillingness to ‘settle’.
Key components of our programme
The Solaris Women’s Executive Leadership Programme is an integral and whole-person centred programme. It is designed to impact all areas of an individual leader’s life and has a special focus on her Leadership, Her Life and Her Career, enabling her growth and development in all three. Each track of learning speaks and impacts the other, creating a full and comprehensive learning journey.
An integrated and blended approach to learning
2x3 days off-site in-person in London and 5x2 days virtual group learning
6 half-day virtual mastermind support and challenge group sessions
Individual business challenge solutions and action learning
Career development series with industry leaders (minimum 12)
5 – 6 x Special Interest Masterclasses
Delivery of a commercial business and a personal development objective
Peer to peer networking and accountability
Optional one-to-one mentoring with a senior business leader
A facilitated dialogue with representatives of nominating organisations designed to share learning, insights and good practice
Our Leadership teaching is based on the fundamental capability of Love-Based Leadership and focuses on who they are as leaders and less on what they do or have. It does not however stop there as the aim of our leadership track is to equip the leaders with the ability to think flexibly and appreciate that the capabilities that led to their current successful status may not be sufficient to enable progress beyond it. We therefore cover a wide and necessary range of topics such as:
Neuroscience of Leadership and Strengths
Strategic Leadership Thinking and Execution
Entrepreneurship, Intrapreneurship and Ethics
Future of work and leadership implications
Competitive landscape and demographics
Pivotal leadership traits – navigating beyond the middle
Our Career equipping track provides an opportunity to understand the key pivotal traits required at the most senior levels across leading organisations globally. It exposes the leaders to the fundamentals of talent management and career development. It also gives them a platform from which to explore their own career ambitions, the direction in which they want to go in order to attain their highest desired level and the consequences of the various decisions they may have to make in to get there. The topics therefore covered include the following:
Talent management dynamics
Establishing powerful networks
Career development and transitions
Rejections, wins, failures and disappointments
Orchestration, Negotiation and Influence
Walking and working in Synchrony
Our Life teaching track enables the leaders to examine areas of life and ways of being and thinking that may get in the way of their own success. It encourages a focus on their Strengths, their Good and the Good of others. A fundamental approach is the assumption that we ALL are human and therefore how we show up outside of work, to ourselves will also impact how we show up in the world of work and with our stakeholders. The topics we examine, explore and teach on our Life Track include the following:
Biases – yours, theirs and ours
Your choices, your life
Managing the Inner critic and judge
Leading in your own skin
Resilience, wellbeing and personal effectiveness
Establishing a personal brand and developing legacy
‘It is time to let your light shine’
Our Women Leaders are invited to be mentored by experienced senior business leaders from across a diverse group of industries and professions so that they not only have a credible sounding board, but also access to a wider network and experience of someone who has trodden a similar path. In small groups, they are given the opportunity to be coached by an experienced and qualified coach whilst tapping into the wisdom, insights and inspiration of other women like themselves from across the world and all within safe and confidential space. There is no other like Solaris.
What our delegates are saying…
“I have been to a lot of leadership courses in my career and I have to say that Solaris is one of the most unique ones I have been to yet. For me the value was beyond what we learned , which was incredible, but the USP for me was the amazingly talented team, the real life inspiring stories from the fireside chats, from real people with such a varied and astonishing career, and the sisterhood.”
Head of Product, Tesco
Solaris is a leadership development program like no other! My experience this past year while being on Solaris has been enriching, challenging, thoughtprovoking, inspiring and overall has been incredibly rewarding for me! The personal and professional growth I’ve experienced as well as the incredible network I’ve been able to build while in this program has been life-changing.”
Senior R&T Manager, Croda
I have already been advocating for the Solaris programme to other Black female professional because I truly believe in Equity, as Black women our career challenges are different and we need different support mechanisms to thrive in the workplace, Solaris is a great learning and development platform that provides the unique support needed for professional development and growth.”
Global Head of Colleague Engagement, Barclays